The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the Individual Educational Plan Process (IEP)
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) makes available a free appropriate public education to eligible children with disabilities, and ensures services for those children.
The eligibility process for an Individual Educational Plan (IEP) is often complex and lengthy, and with no guarantee of extra help at its end.
The IEP process lives in the schools, and is chiefly an educational process. However, it is also a legal process.
For parents, it is often a daunting task, and too often, it may feel to parents that they are engaged in an epic struggle in which they play David to a school system’s Goliath.
Under IDEA, parents have legal rights, but it is easy for them to become overwhelmed.
IEP Parenting Virginia seeks to level the playing field by providing parents with the information they need to successfully navigate the IEP process.
IEP Parenting Virginia walks parents through the IEP process in a step-by-step manner,
We stand behind our parents every step along the way!
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